On my son Andrew’s 15th birthday, I took him to a shoe store to get a pair of shoes. We arrived right when the store opened because Andrew is a nonspeaking autistic (自闭) and prefers shopping when it’s not busy. After choosing the desired shoes, we paid and thanked the clerks. “It’s Andrew’s birthday today. Fifteen!” I said. “Happy birthday!” they said. “Have fun!”
Instead of having Andrew point to the “thank you” symbol on his picture chart, I hold up his letter board. For 10 years, Andrew has used a picture chart to communicate. The images represent important and common words; people, places, food, greetings and activities. Years ago, we discovered that Andrew could communicate more than just his basic needs via a letter board. He can point to the letters and spell out words, statements, thoughts.
Using the letter board requires significant time and effort for Andrew, but it gives him an opportunity to share far more of who he is than he can convey through pictures and basic words. So instead of dashing out, I hold up the letter board and ask Andrew how he’d like to respond. The store clerks are quiet, watching. Andrew points to each letter, one by one: “Thank you.” I smile and turn to leave.
One of the clerks, a man about my age, speaks up: “Um, can I ask you ... what is that? Because I have a brother-in-law ... and he doesn’t talk.” “Oh! This is an alphabet board that Andrew uses to communicate,” I reply. “We’ve practiced it for years. It’s quite incredible, as we just didn’t know Andrew was so ‘in there’. We didn’t even know this tool existed-it’s relatively uncommon. It’s changed everything for us, for our family, for Andrew.”
This is what happens when we invite others into our humanness, and we allow them to share theirs. “Let me give you my contact info, as well as the website of the spelling-to-communicate organization,” I continue. I ask the clerk about his brother-in-law. He tells us that Jason is 30 and doesn’t prefer to speak, but he can do a lot for himself. Still, no one really knows him. Maybe there’s more, the clerk wonders.
“Amazing!” I say. “We’ve met people-haven’t we, Andrew? —who started using this method when they were 50 or 5 or 15! Andrew, what do you think?” Andrew starts pointing to letters: “Tell Jason…”
I choke up. Sometimes I forget how powerful the letter board is. How ’powerful Andrew is. “Tell Jason he will change everyone’s opinion of him in 26 letters.” We are all moved, inspired, thrilled.
“Wow,” the clerk says.
“Thank you.” Andrew smiles.